Password Info



Selecting a username and password.

On registration – You will be asked to select a username and password.

The following rules apply:

Your user name:

HINT: Your password is cAse sEnsiTive - check your Caps Lock


Your password:

  • Must be between 6 and 15 characters long
  • Include 1 number
  • Include 1 capital letter
  • Include 1 lowercase letter
  • Include 1 special character excluding (excl. following wild card characters)
  • Do not use wild card character eg. % $ @ * \
  • Valid characters are: [ ~ ! & + = _ ? / \ ^ ( ) ]

I want to change my password.   ​

  • Select the Login button on the top right hand side of your screen.
  • Click on the "Change my password" link
  • Complete the Forgot Password form
  • To have your password e-mailed to you, enter your Username if you previously registered as an "Individual" or as a "Company".
  • Select the 'Submit' button.
  • We will sent a notification to your registered email address as specified on your profile.
    Please follow the instructions closely.
  • In your email client – select the "Confirm your new password" link and follow the instructions.


I have forgotten my username and password.

For all Internet related queries such as registration problems, security, compatibility issues, login problems, forgotten password, trouble with navigating the site, etc. please Log a Website Query


Can I change my Username?

No, you can only change your password.   You must be logged on to change your password.


I keep getting told that my password is invalid... 

  • Make sure that your password is typed correctly.
  • Please ensure that the caps lock is not on, and that the 'case' of your password is correct.
  • HINT: Your password is cAse sEnsiTive - check your Caps Lock.
  • If the problem persist - please Log a Website Query.


Customer Care:

  0860 562 874​​​​​​​

Emergency Connect:

  (0)11 375 5911​​​​​​​