GIS Task Request form [Click Here]
Request form to order maps or digital data of the City of Johannesburg. Complete, sign and email form back to
e-Property Information Service
Application form to obtain certain property related information.[Click Here]
Information Available and Costing
Zoning Information sheets that provide use zone, height zone, density, building lines and amendment scheme number applicable to the erf queried @ R16.00
Copies of approved Amendment Schemes, Schedules and Annexures @ R16.00 per A4.
Extracts of A & B series maps @ R0.00 per A4.
Extracts of Cadastral maps @ R16.00 per A4.
Erf dimensions from SG Diagrams and Plans @ R16.00 per A4.
Confirmation of Street and Erf numbers @ R16.00 per erf.
Request Zoning Certificate for collection @ R69.00 per erf.
Charge System
The above charges will be levied from a credit based account against which all services will be debited.
Your service and account must be opened with a minimum R307.00 deposit.
Further credits can be obtained in deposits from R307.00 and more.
Credits must be paid into your account at the metro centre and a valid receipt must be obtained and presented as proof.
Fees will be reviewed on an annual basis (1 July).
No service will be rendered for any account in debit.
The account will be closed if dormant for longer than 12 months and all credits will be due to the Council.
Information requested must contain a valid erf number or street address for a township or farm portion and no response will be given on any other descriptions such as: "Northern corner of the intersection of 2nd Str and 5th Ave".
The e-Property Information Service is available from 08h00 to 16h00 on weekdays and a response can be expected within 24 hours depending on volume and complexity of the query submitted.
Your allocated account number and name must be supplied with each request.
Info will only be emailed to the number on the application form.
Any amendment to the email information must be in writing.
No requests will be accepted by phone.
Any problems regarding accounts or service must be sent to the supplied email address.